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One encounter can
change everything.


Digital Training Guide

Download our Digital Every Home Loved Neighborhood Outreach Guide to start your training on how to reach your neighbors and city. As you read through this training guide, watch the corresponding videos linked below, showing how each concept (Promise, Passion, Process, and Purpose) is used in everyday life.

Jesus’ Passion  35:45

In the first session, we will learn from a story where Jesus encountered a woman at a well, and engaged her in a spiritual conversation. Notice the posture of love and acceptance Jesus has for this woman. We can follow Jesus’ example when we engage others in spiritual conversations.

Jesus’ Promise  29:40

In this second session, we look at a story where Jesus is calling his first real disciples. We will learn that as soon as we say yes to Jesus, he is inviting us to be a part of his mission. Jesus promises that if we follow him, he will qualify us.

Jesus’ Process  34:02

In this third session, we will learn how to share the truth and love of Jesus Christ in a very natural manner. Jesus teaches us a process in engaging others in Spiritual conversations. This tried and true process has been used for centuries.

Jesus’ Purpose  31:16

In this fourth session, we will notice that when we tell people what we have seen and experienced in our life with Jesus, there is excitement and Joy. Not only do we find our purpose, but it brings joy to Jesus himself.


Freely Receive, Freely Give

This devotional contains twelve invitations to encounter Jesus and engage your world. It will nourish your walk with Jesus and inspire you to pursue meaningful interactions with the people around you: your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and beyond.

Share Journal

Studies show that 7 out of 10 unchurched people have never had a conversation about Jesus with a Christian, but 78% of them would be open to it! With the Share Journal, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to talk to people about Jesus.

Love Your Neighbor Kit

The greatest sign of love for our neighbors is to announce the gospel of the kingdom of God. With the practical tools in the Love Your Neighbor kit, you’ll be encouraged to visit, serve, and share the gospel with your neighbors, being with them in their times of need.


Gathering corporately in prayer, either in person or through technology, can have a profound impact on the world around us. Join EHC as we livestream our prayer sessions every Tuesday through Thursday at 9:00 am (Mountain), or look for past prayer meetings on-demand on our YouTube channel.