Following Jesus: What’s Next?
If you made a decision to follow Jesus, it’s time to celebrate! There are many practical steps you can take as you begin this new journey. Tell your friends, family, and neighbors about your decision to follow Jesus and spread the good news of the LORD. If you have no one to talk to about your decision to follow Jesus, consider sharing your good news with us using the form below.
Have a Conversation With God
That’s all that prayer is—conversing with God. It doesn’t need to happen in a certain place or at a certain time. You can share your heart (and hear from Him) anywhere, anytime. Driving home from work. Washing the dishes. Going for a run. Laying in bed at night. He’s always available and always eager to have a conversation with you.
Get A Bible
The Bible is the word of God. Every page is filled with encouragement and instruction for our own lives. The words within the Bible are living—they literally give life to our heart, mind, body, and spirit. Romans 10:17 says that “Faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ.” The Bible grows our faith. If you would like a free Bible, click the link below.
Find A Local Church
It’s important to find a community of Christ-followers. When followers of Christ gather together, a supernatural strengthening and growth happen. This is also a place where you can worship God in a group setting. Finding a church can feel intimidating or overwhelming, and it may take time. One suggestion is to reconnect with the individual(s) who first shared the truth and love of Jesus Christ with you. Reach out to the individual(s) and discuss with them that you would like to find a church, but don’t know where to begin and see if they have any suggestions in your area. Don’t wait for the nervousness to disappear. Jump right in. We promise it will be worth it!
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